Monday, October 7, 2019

2019_09 - KLA Construction Progress

September was a busy month at the construction site.  Workers were hurriedly finishing work on the ground level so teachers and kids could begin using the first nine classrooms.  As workers completed their tasks  the rooms were prepared for the teachers to begin their set up work.  By the second week of the month kids were starting their 2019-2020 school year!
Work continued throughout September and will go until the end of October on the second floor, site and boiler installation.  By the end of October Phase 2 should be complete with focus now on the third and final phase of the project, which includes finishing the nine classrooms on the third floor, athletic fields and other possible building elements.

 South Façade Complete

 Stairwell Finishing Work

 Southeast Façade Complete

 Gymnasium Mezzanine Guardrail Panels